Friday, April 22, 2005

Testimony round two at the clinic

today, friday, i was set up to share my story again with the patients. well, the morning started off in more of a hurry than i had hoped. i pulled a five minute getting ready episode when julie came in telling me i had that much time before work. good thing it's just across the tennis courts. apparently, it was the dramamine and the benadryl that i took that made me sleep quite soundly. it all worked out. i even got breakfast. i was hoping that i'd have more time to pray about sharing my testimony, but i knew the Lord would faithfully provide as He always does.

at 10 am, Ajan Nui came and got me for evangelism time. i felt this glow of joy already at the thought of it. i went outside and saw the patients, then immediately started smiling. in my heart, i prayed God would truly use it today. all the missionaries were there again as well as the clinic staff. last time julie hid in the side hallway to not be a distraction and i told her to sit right in front of me this time. in fact at one point i referred to her. when i made reference to my new hair, i said, "see that blonde headed girl right there? well, she prayed that i'd get some new and different hair. it worked, b/c now it is curly." it was cute. things just were said in a different order today that made sense. not only did i focus on the fact that my life was existing proof for God, but that their lives were, too. i said "look, you all are miracles, you have hearts and brains, right?" i asked them "do you tell your heart to go beat, beat, beat, beat..." they died laughing and then i said, "no, God does, b/c He made you." anyway, i encouraged them to not wait any longer if they were wanting to choose Christ, b/c you never know when those storms of life are going to come and how much you need His help to get you through them. i wanted them to know how to have hope when they die as well as a living hope day after day. i shared about Jesus and his purpose for coming and how he paid the price for our wrongs, since they believe wrongs need to be paid for with a right as well. i just explained that it can't be us who pays, but Him. i said, "so he died for us." i made sure to tell them, "i don't worship a dead God, though, He is definitely a living God for sure." these are just glimpses of it. i shared about being a patient, too, and the brain tumor. it all worked in.

mindy said something really special to me afterwards. of course, i was on this exhuberant high afterwards b/c of sharing. it's so crazy, i truly get a high from sharing about God and my testimony. mindy said, "zsila, have you ever wondered if evangelism is your spiritual gift?" i told her i took a survey thing and that's what it said. she said if that was what made my day more than anything else, then that was definitely my spiritual gift and that i should incorporate it. i jokingly said, "great, so i went to med school for nothing?" no, i know, that's why i want to be a doctor. i see it as ministry. i'm actually thankful for the confirmation of my spiritual gift and see it as both an honor as well as a responsibility to uphold it.

again, the girls ended the clinic with a beautiful thai song that ajan nui said she prayed about during my testimony and picked out with His advice. i couldn't help but smile at the song books they were holding which said "Bible Songs of Color--Rainbow." It was as if God was smiling down on us and continuing to prove "He is faithful to His promises for those who have a steadfast faith in Him." Isn't He awesome?!


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