Monday, April 18, 2005

A Purposeful day

Yesterday, Monday, i had an unspeakable joy after I shared in the evangelism time. i always get that way when i share what God has done for me. it's the reason i'm here. Clinic was packed! the waiting room was completely full. i was excited that God had big things in store for me to share. i prayed about it before, but decided to not really plan it out. i just prayed for the Holy Spirit to shine through. He did.

all the missionaries were in the room and the nurses and nurse aids. it was great seeing their encouraging faces. pi poo pa was my translator. she is a very pregnant nurse that works with us and can speak english. she is due may 8th! imagine how it is to be pregnant like that i this heat! there was a microphone--of course, too low to the ground, so as i was trying to pull it up. they decided to just take it off and let me hold it. perfect! that way, i could hold it and then hold it in front of pi poo pa while she translated. i've never had to do a translation thing like this before, since usually my experiences have been me speaking in spanish or english. i shared with them my story, b/c i knew it could relate to them. i mixed in together basically everything. so it was a hodgepodge testimony that included all facets of what it's like being a Christian, experiencing healing, etc. i focused on their needs and even made it interactive. thank you for praying, i was really calm and i had to stop after every few words, but i think it still made a lot of sense. i was convicted by it! i felt the presence of the Holy Spirit. that's why i get so much joy in sharing, b/c it always ends up not being me who speaks and i always walk away learning so much from what came out of my mouth. God just reminded me again how amazing He is.

julie is sharing tomorrow (wed here), so please lift her up, too. i think i'm going again on april 22nd (10 am our time). you guys are about 12 hours earlier than us.

evangelism time couldn't have ended more perfectly, the thai staff got up and sang the most beautiful, worshipful song. i wish i had it recorded. there was just a presence that was different yesterday in clinic. it was such an honor to be a part of it. thank you, Lord, for that.


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