Thursday, April 28, 2005

A Girl with Zeal for the Lord

today is thursday. we have had a great day today. it has truly been a day packed with fun. earlier today we (Mindy, Dr. Tom, Julie, and I) had a great clinic with our patients. I had one lady come for a larger goiter, knee pain, and follow up to ear itching. Her goiter was still there and she was on meds, her knee pain was arthritis, and her ear was residual from an infection. She brought her daughter, whom I did not meet to clinic. right after i saw that sweet woman, we had our evangelism time. today, julie spoke. she talked about the storm we had here recently as of two nights ago and how that can relate to the "storms" of life we have in our hearts. i think it was so applicable to the people since they truly only understand nature. that's what there is plenty of around here. :) afterwards, the thai staff got up and sang a beautiful song again. this one was different. this song ended up carrying some importance...

apparently, my patient's daughter went up to mindy and asked if she could get that song on a tape. this girl was in school and wanted to play the tape over the loud speakers in her public thai school b/c she was tired of things playing over the speakers with no meaning. she wanted this song to play because she said it had meaning! can you belive it! how cool. mindy was so excited and i was ,too, when she came back and told me. not only that, but it gets better....
so mindy invited this girl to come to church sometime here and she said, oh no, she wouldn't just come by herself, but she would tell all of her friends so they could come to church with her! who is this girl? she's amazing! what a zeal the Lord has instilled in her!

i found out that the reason why this girl was so excited for the Lord was because she has brought her mom to the clinic twice now and each time she has heard about God and her mom always gets better after coming. how humbling it was for me to hear that we are working in such an effective ministry. thank you God. it is such an honor to be a part of a place and job where lives are changed physically and spiritually.


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