Monday, April 25, 2005

Charlie and baby oil?

Charlie is the dog around here. poor thing, he has a skin disease. Jerry is by trade a nurse, however, she doesn't use that while she is a missionary here. she sort of adopted charlie and is taking care of him. it's just so funny to be having a conversation and then one day hear jerry say, "yeah, i'm going to rub baby oil all over charlie today and see how that works." all i can think about is how hot it is here and how he is going to get either a sunburn or a tan with that. in fact, julie and i both in unison said that to one of the thais, and then we both said in unison, "oh, yeah, they don't do that here."

let me explain... it is exactly opposite from the united states when it comes to skin color here. they prefer to look white here. it is more beautiful in their eyes to look white. so they actually go buy creams in the stores with whitener. yet in the U.S. we are buying self-tanner b/c our culture prefers tan skin. while i'm rubbing on bronzer in the mornings here, these thai girls are rubbing on whitener. it's just so funny how hard we try to be who we are not. wow. deep thoughts.


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